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About Me

El Paso, Texas, United States
Watershed Moments: Grew up in Alaska, Seattle Wash and high school years in Las Cruces NM nestled below the Organ Mountains. Married at 20 Motherhood at 21, BA at 24 Widowed at 27. Explosive encounter with Christ at 30, remarried at 37 to a very handsome Dutch missionary. Worked with indigenous peoples for 7 years. Went to seminary at 42 and applied for Ph.D at Trinity in 2009. Widowed at 63.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Morning shadows

The sun has chased away the shadows of evening. The moon long hidden in
the waves of light. So too my night of shadows has disappeared and only to be seen behind me every once in awhile. 
So many endless sunrises ahead of me. Hans dwells in a place where there is no night. 
How the wild the earth seems now, a wilderness indeed. Like Pilgrim’s wife, I travel alone with only my children in tow. Will they make it through the long dark night. Will I? 
Even in beauty there is a sting. 
We too are traveling to the celestial city. I know the way but not the perils therein. I embark upon my lonely boat with only the ghost of St. Brendan to guide me. I wonder what blue lagoons we will chance upon. Or see the marlins dance in yonder depths. 
Oh what I would give for a firm hand right wearing the wedded ring of long ago that was lost in boughs of earth. Pictures make more sense than words. I pick up the oars of life and make my muscles strong...for someone did that once before me. But now it’s my turn at the helm. . . doesn’t matter that I am a woman, used to hiding in the curve of his hip. 
Long the road seems ahead to the horizon. A giant figure stands awaiting. 


  1. Dear Judy,
    This season of loss, separation, and finality that you and yours have to live through, reveals to me again how suffocating are sin's consequences. It also serves as a continual reminder of why our Lord had to go to the cross. He didn't want you or me, or anyone to ever experience these pangs of death.
    Continuing in prayer for you all, Lynn

  2. Hmm I like the picture it reminds me of how I feel right now: A jelly fish bobbing in the waves with no roots in any community... and no set plans for future settling... the father hasn't spoken so yet anyways. I love you Judy! You are on my mind and in my prayers often!And I miss you o so much. xoxo

  3. Thank you lovely ladiesl Can I accept the good and not the bad?

  4. how do you know the second comment didn't come from a man? ;0)

  5. Men don't usually end their comments with a smiley face. But if you are a man then you are very very rare!

  6. haha good observation and a man probably wouldn't do that. humph... can i accept the good and not the bad... is this a rhetorical question?

  7. No it is not a rhetorical. It is truth. If my love and trust in God is not good in the bad, then the good is shallowness personified. This is the point of Job's suffering, among other things. The Lord giveth and he taketh, blessed be the name of the Lord.
